Celebrating 100 Days of School today in Mrs. Zehr's Kindergarten class! 💯
It's Glow Day in 4th Grade! We are celebrating behaviors that GLOW!!! It's Time to Glow What You Know!!!
Enjoying the EHS Vocal Jazz Choir at Goodfield and Congerville today!!
The Annual Congerville ABC Fashion Show is underway!
Celebrating Red Ribbon Week with our Annual Tug 'o War!
Our butterflies have hatched in Mrs. Fischer's Second Grade!
Love these Fall afternoons on the playground!!!
From all of us at Congerville Elementary, happy trails to all! We wish you a safe and relaxing summer!
Fight For Life Week is HERE! We are so excited for all of the fun activities planned for this week! Last Friday, we kicked off the week with an assembly for our students. We heard from the EHS Student Council, Mrs. Monk, and Goodfield Elementary First Grade Teacher, Mrs. Williams! It's going to be an exciting week, for sure!!!
Please join us for the Annual Goodfield and Congerville Christmas Program on Tuesday, December 5, at the Eureka College Becker Auditorium at 6:00 p.m. We are looking forward to hearing all of the students sing their favorite Christmas songs!
Today Principal Gerst was busy fulfilling his duties as Principal for a Day! Thank you, Mr. Gerst for taking care of our school today!
Today is Kindergarten and 1st Grade Career Day at Congerville Elementary School! Thank you so much to our parents and sponsors! The kids loved it!
Fire Safety Prevention Week at Congerville Elementary School! Thank you to our wonderful firefighters for teaching us all about fire safety!
Always a good day when you get to dress like Mr. Lafferty!
Loving Homecoming Spirit Week! "Laff"y Taffy Day!
The new playground at Congerville Elementary! So thankful to have this for our kids!!
Kindergartners were treated to milk and a treat from the St. Louis Dairy Council today! The class has also adopted a calf through this organization!
Thank you, Aidan Hoekstra, for building the Little Libraries for Congerville and Goodfield! The kids, staff, and community love them!
The staff at Goodfield and Congerville Elementary Schools will host our Meet the Teacher/Open House Night for our students and families on August 14, 2023, from 4:00pm - 5:45pm
Presentations will take place at the following times in classrooms:
Kindergarten - 4:00-4:45
1st Grade - 4:45 - 5:00
2nd Grade - 5:00-5:15
3rd Grade - 5:15-5:30
4th grade - 5:30-5:45
Students are welcome to bring their supplies, meet their teacher, play on the playground, and tour the school with their families! All are welcome!
D140 Families,
We have a unique opportunity to see “The Wall that Heals” from July 12th – 16th right here in Eureka. The Wall that Heals is a Vietnam Veterans Memorial replica and mobile education center. The wall will be located at 221 S. Clinton Drive in Eureka behind Maple Lawn.
The organizers would like for our town to line the streets of Eureka’s downtown area to welcome the display. This will take place on Tuesday, July 11 at 1:30 p.m.
Spread the word and be sure to take an opportunity to participate in this unique event in Eureka
2023-24 School Registration Information:
Online registration for current students will be opened on July 31 through Skyward.
New students to the district will need to register in person on August 8th at Eureka Middle School.