Response to Intervention (RTI)
Response to Intervention (RtI)
Eureka Middle School identifies, supports and provides additional instruction through the Response to Intervention (RtI) process. This means that Eureka Middle School focuses on the following:
Providing High Quality Instruction/Interventions to Students
Preventing Academic Failure
Preventing Unnecessary Referrals to Special Education
All students at Eureka Middle School are part of the RtI process. The RtI process is broken into three tiers. Each child fits into one of the tiers depending on their level of performance.
Universal Screening
Universal screening is the act of assessing all students in a consistent and regular manner. EMS uses NWEA's MAP Growth Assessment, along with Fastbridge's Social/Emotional Assessment as universal screeners. Students identified as at-risk may require additional or alternative supports.
Tiered Support
Tier 1 - All students receive the general education core curriculum in the general education classroom with research-based instructional strategies and qualified strategies.
Tier 2 - Students receive general educational classroom instruction plus a strategic intervention. In many cases, this will be enough to get a student "back on track."
Tier 3 - Students who are unsuccessful in Tier 1 and Tier 2, will receive a further intensive intervention. These students continue to receive core curriculum plus an intervention that includes smaller group sizes, individualized instruction, or more intervention time.
Click the links below to find out more about our school's RtI process.